Education and training have always been core to the work of the Institute and near and dear to our hearts. Over the past two years we have been deeply involved in what some are referring to as a "Revolution in Education" - massive change in thinking about what it means to be educated in the Knowledge Age. In this context we took a hard and critical look at our training programs, specifically asking ourselves the question, "Do our programs adequately prepare graduates to manage complex knowledge management initiatives?"
While we were generally pleased with our courses and feedback from our clients and customers, which suggested that our programs met or exceeded their expectations. There were some challenges:
Knowledge Needs
Every student enters our program with a different level of experience. How do we develop education and training programs that address:
- Individual learning needs, while providing each with a solid foundational understanding about Knowledge Managment?
- If knowledge is defined as; "Understanding gained through experience"; How could we really expect to adequately train people for a KM role, without prior on the job experience in a KM role?
We have established the Canadian Centre for Knowledge Management as a centre of learning. We intend to offer a wide range of KM related programs and courses through the Centre from the top providers from around the world.