
KMIC Services
Introducing a whole new suite of Knowledge Management Solutions

“In our globalized world, the well-being of nations is increasingly being defined by the ability to develop and advance knowledge. In other words, knowledge – as opposed to military might or GDP – is gaining momentum as the new currency and passport to success” (David Johnston, Governor General of Canada)

Since our inception, The Knowledge Management Institute of Canada Incorporated has worked with a host of organizations from around the world and across diverse sectors, to help them identify, protect, and leverage their greatest asset - The knowledge of their people. Throughout this time, we have learned a great deal about the barriers and challenges facing organizations as they attempt to redesign themselves for the realities of a Knowledge - Based Economy;  build a more knowledge centric culture; and translate these efforts into tangible value. From these learnings, we have evolved our business model to better meet the needs of our customers, members and partners.

"We are excited about our new suite of KM solutions, services and products. They are designed to advance the practice of KM by creating a sense of collectively responsibility amongst our members, partners and customers to help continually improve these services and inform the development of new and better one's"

(Blake Melnick, Founder and Chief Knowledge Officer)


KM LifeLine - Our New Virtual Advisory and Support Service

Organizations need help establishing, rejuvenating and supporting their knowledge strategy and KM initiatives. The problem is that traditional consulting often does not produce the long term, sustainable results your organization is expecting. For smaller firms, many of which have the greatest need for KM expertise, hiring professional consultants or consulting firms is simply too expensive.   PLEASE NOTE: AS OUR COMMITMENT TO HELPING ORGANIZATIONS DURING COVID 19, WE WILL BE OFFERIING LIFELINE TO CLIENTS FOR A FLAT FEE OF $25.00 PER HOUR UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. GIVEN WE HAVE BEEN IMPACTED BY THE CURRENT SITUATION, WE WILL BE ONLY SELECTING CLIENT PROJECTS WHICH WE DETERMINE WILL RESULT IN SIGNIFICANT IMPACT TO THE LIVES OF CANADIANS POST COVID 19


The Scientific Research and Experimental Development Fund - A Focus on Knowledge Creation

A chief component of our mandate at the Knowledge Management Institute of Canada is to support innovation in Canada - Introducing the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Fund...with a unique twist!



Knowledge Management has only recently become an imperative for many organizations. Finding the right talent to help build your knowledge management practice is critical. The challenge is who to turn to for help? Very few traditional recruiters and recruiting firms understand the required competencies, attributes and characteristics for knowledge management roles and even fewer know where to target their search for high caliber candidates or how to conduct an effective interview of potential candidates.
