Eye of the Hurricane with Ken Klonsky

Thursday, July 23, 2020
We find ourselves in the Eye of the Hurricane. The mass anti-racist protests in the US and in countries around the world, following the death of #GeorgeFloyd have been largely directed at policing, as a root cause of systemic racism, but will #defunding the police, or making them more accountable really produce the outcome we are looking for? …. or do we need to look deeper?

My guest for this week's episode of #ForWhatitsWorth is #KenKlonsky, author, educator and Director of #InnocenceInternational, an organization founded by the late #RubinHurricaneCarter. Innocence International is dedicated to overturning wrongful conviction, brought about by false confessions orchestrated by law enforcement and supported by representatives of the criminal justice system…join us for, #EyeoftheHurricane…. For What it’s Worth.